The White Horse Federation

The White Horse Federation was founded with the aim of improving the life chances and raising the aspirations of young people. The Trust believes in the power of a first-rate curriculum: such an education is the best foundation for helping young people to succeed and overcome social barriers, irrespective of their backgrounds or starting points.

Our aim is for our students to leave our academies ready to take their place in the world - well-educated, motivated and with strong leadership skills, personally accomplished and determined to make a positive and lasting contribution to the world. We firmly believe that a child’s background should not be a barrier to success and we are committed to delivering an education that broadens students’ horizons in a truly transformative way.

Paul Smith
National Leader of Education
Chief Executive Officer

The White Horse Federation

WHF Head Office
Plymouth street
Swindon Wiltshire

01793 818603

[email protected]

Values-based education

Values-based education is an approach to teaching that uses values to create a strong learning environment that enhances academic attainment and helps students develop social and relationship skills that last throughout their lives. Values are principles that drive behaviour. They influence our actions and attitudes, and become our framework for living. Values also influence our relationship with ourselves and others.

The wide range of positive human values encouraged in The White Horse Federation's schools include patience, respect, fairness, tolerance, compassion, and collaboration.

A positive learning environment is achieved through the values modelled by staff throughout the school. This approach quickly liberates teachers and students from the stress of confrontational relationships, which frees up substantial teaching and learning time.

Values-based education also provides social capacity to students, equipping them with the interpersonal skills, intelligence, and attitude needed to succeed at school and throughout their lives.

All schools in The White Horse Federation are committed to this values-based approach, which is summarised in our Little Green Book.