Class Page for Website: Galapagos Penguin Class

Welcome to Penguin Class where Miss Gray is excited to be your teacher!

(Mrs Burridge) 

Our School Day

Please arrive at school for 8.30am, when we will begin our morning activities. You will need to bring a water bottle each day as well as appropriate clothing for the weather. (If it’s hot, make sure you have a hat, if it’s not then bring a coat!) Please make sure that all personal items are clearly labelled. 

Our timetable:

School finishes at 3.15pm Monday – Thursday, and at 2pm Friday. 

Healthy Snacks

We are a healthy school and promote healthy snacks. No nuts please! 

Physical Education

Our PE days this term are Tuesday and Friday. Please arrive in school in your PE kit on these days. PE kits includes: plain black shorts/joggers, a plain white top/Gagle Brook PE top, black trainers, a plain black jumper. Refer to our uniform policy for further information. 

Our Learning this term

This term our big question is ‘Where will our future take us?’ and we will be studying ‘Ancient Egypt’. For further information on our curriculum offer in Key Stage Two this term please see our Topic Map. 

In PHSE we use the Jigsaw scheme and our Jigsaw piece this year is Jigsaw Jez.

We place a high value on children’s reading and enjoyment of reading. 

Within our class we have daily reading sessions where children are able to enjoy a wide variety of high-quality texts. Our English curriculum is driven by high quality texts, both for writing and reading. We use a three-phase approach in which contextual knowledge is acquired by pupils through access to a variety of linked texts, and writing is driven by a core text each term. (Please see our topic web for further information.)

Home Learning

We are often asked, ‘How can I help my child at home?’ and we recommend reading for at least 15 minutes daily, which you should record in your reading record. Remember that it’s still important to read to an adult and to read aloud too.  

Reading is the single biggest thing we ask children to enjoy at home regularly as it really does open doors to new and exciting worlds. 

Home learning is set once a week on Purple Mash, we also expect that spellings will be practiced at home each week. Children should practice their multiplication and division facts regularly.

Parent helpers are very welcome to support with afternoon reading, or anyone with a particular skill who would like to volunteer once a week - let one of the team know! We operate an open-door policy- please come and see us if you have a worry or a concern- we are here to help! 

Best wishes,

The Penguin Team

Yr 5 - class

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