Welcome to Panda Class
Mrs Whiskerd is excited to be learning, investigating, and having fun with you this year.
Our School Day
Please arrive at school for 8.30am, when we will begin our morning activities. You will need to bring a clearly named water bottle each day as well as appropriate clothing for the weather. Remember that in Early Years we like to go outdoors in all weathers, so please ensure you have the appropriate clothing to keep you warm and dry, or safe in the sun (If it's hot, make sure you have a hat and sun cream on, if it's not then bring a coat!) You will also need at least one full set of spare clothes to keep at school in a named carrier bag. All sort of 'accidents' can happen including spilt drinks or too much fun in the water, so a change of clothes is always useful. We would also ask you to bring a named pair of wellies that can be kept at school (we have a welly rack especially for them!) Please make sure that all personal items are clearly labelled. (Parents please remember that if you want us to be able to return any misplaced items then it's vital that they are clearly named).
Our learning
Each term we celebrate a school value and have a 'big question' that our learning is based around. You will find more information about this in our termly newsletters and topic webs which we will send home each term.
During our daily phonics sessions, you will meet 'Fred the Frog' who will help you learn about letters and the sounds they make, which is the first step on the journey to being able to read and write all by yourself!
In PHSE we use the Jigsaw scheme and in Early Years our Jigsaw piece is Jigsaw Jenie. We also have Jerrie Cat who helps us with our 'paws for thought' moments.
From then moment you arrive at Gagle Brook School we hope to instill a real love of books of all kinds. Our curriculum is driven by high quality texts, linked to all areas of learning which act as prompts for our discussions and learning. Each day, not only will we use carefully chosen texts as part of adult led lessons, we will also enjoy re-reading well-known and favourite stories, as well as exploring those chosen by the children. We have a lovely cosy reading corner in the classroom where you will have free access to a range of books to look at with your friends.
Every week you will get to choose one of our 'Share at Home' books to take home to look at and enjoy over the weekend. Then the following week you can tell your friends what you enjoyed about it and choose a new book to take home. Please bring your reading diary to school every day so that we can record reading, parents please could you do the same at home too.
Healthy Snacks
We are a healthy school and promote healthy snacks. There will be fruit and vegetables available, or you are welcome to bring your own alternative fruit or vegetable snack. If you choose to bring grapes or cherry tomatoes, can we please ask that they are cut in half lengthways prior to bringing them to school. No nuts please! We are very lucky as we have “Toast Tuesday” for snack so that’s something to look forward too as you will help toast your own bread, spread your butter and also cut your toast all on your own.
Physical Education
Our PE day this term is Wednesday. Please arrive in school in your PE kit on these days. PE kit includes plain black shorts/joggers, a plain white top/Gagle Brook PE top, black trainers, and a plain black jumper. The children will be having their PE session with Mr Latham each week. He is looking forward to working with you all and having some PE fun!
RWI Sessions
We follow the Read Write Inc 'Making a Strong Start' to ensure all children make great progress learning to read when they start school at Gaglebrook Primary School.
When your child starts school in EYFS Reception, they will start learning to say and write the Read Write in Set 1 Sounds.
During the first few weeks, children will have a daily whole class Speed sound lesson where they will learn to say new sounds, practice sounds they have been taught and have opportunities to write these sounds.
These are the sounds your child will be learning:
m, a, s, d, t
i, n, p, g, o
c, k, u, b
f, e, l, h
r, j, v, y, w
z, x
Click here to learn more Learning to read with phonics in this Parent Guide (including videos to help you and your child pronounce the sounds correctly)
While your child is learning these sounds in school you can help them by reading at home.
Your child will have a sound booklet home during Term 1 which you use to re-visit the sounds we have been learning but please do not write in these booklets. Letter formation sheets will be sent home with the children so you can work on recapping the sounds and letter formations which you can write on. Children when ready will also bring a RWI book to read at home.
Home Learning
We are often asked, 'How can I help my child at home?' and for Early Years children one of the key things is to read to them often and encourage a real love of books! Talk about books, what can you see in the pictures? (Some books have amazing details and little surprises hidden in their illustrations, which children love to find!) Which characters do you like? & why? What do you think might happen next? etc. We would love for you to record details of the books that you read together, comments that your child might make etc. in their reading record.
'Chatter Time' is also a great way of developing your child's language skills. Life can be busy, but make sure you find time each day to have a real 2-way conversation with your child, listening and responding to show them you value what they have to say.
Please encourage and support them with being as independent as possible e.g. when going to the toilet, putting on their coat, including doing up their zip, putting on wellies and shoes and using knives and forks when eating at home.
During Reception we will be sending home some fun learning tasks for you to complete at home alongside your child, these will be communicated to all parents via Tapestry so please do keep checking Tapestry every few days so you don’t miss any information. You will be able to upload information as an 'Observation', to show us what your child has done at home with their task.
Parent Helpers are really welcomed to support within school to help with readers or if anyone with a particular skill who would like to volunteer once a week – let one of the team know!
Please remember that we operate an open-door policy- please book an appointment to see us (or request a phone call if it's easier) if you have a worry or a concern - we are here to help!
Best wishes,
The Reception Team